Python Packages
Project | Description | Role |
PatentsView-Code-Examples | Training resources for working with PatentsView APIs and Open Data. | Lead |
Deepchecks’ PerformanceBias | Contributed the performance_bias module to Deepchecks’ open-source package (3.7k+ stars on Github). |
Core Contributor |
Streamlit-Survey | Survey components for Streamlit apps. | Creator |
CSVMeta | Lightweight csv read/write, keeping track of csv dialect and other metadata. | Creator |
ER-Evaluation | End-to-end evaluation of entity resolution systems. | Creator |
StringCompare | Efficient string similarity using C++ and PyBind11. | Creator |
R Packages
Project | Description | Role |
MSETools | Code and analyses for the paper titled “On the Reliability of Multiple Systems Estimation for the Quantification of Modern Slavery” (Binette and Steorts, 2021). | Creator |
FingermatchR | Fingerprint matching tools based on NIST’s Biometric Image Software, on FingerJet minutiae extraction tool, and on the libfmr library. | Creator |
cache | Lightweight caching for data science workflows. | Creator |
assert | Lightweight assertions for data science workflows. | Creator |
dgaFast/dga | Multiple Systems Estimation Using Decomposable Graphical Models. | Maintainer |
TessTools | Tools for the use of Tesseract OCR in R and for the analysis of historical newspaper archives. | Creator |
Other Software
Project | Description | Role |
Fractals | A Javascript Mendelbrot set visualization app, built using early browser multithreading technologies (2014). | Creator |
Welcome to the Moon App | Companion app to the wonderful Welcome to the Moon board game. | Creator |
Earthquakes | Visualize earthquakes on the globe. | Creator |
lipsample | Sampling from arbitrary Lipschitz continuous densities on the interval in Matlab | Creator |