Open-Source Software

Python Packages

Project Description Role
PatentsView-Code-Examples Training resources for working with PatentsView APIs and Open Data. Lead
Deepchecks’ PerformanceBias Contributed the performance_bias module to Deepchecks’ open-source package (3.7k+ stars on Github). Core Contributor
Streamlit-Survey Survey components for Streamlit apps. Creator
CSVMeta Lightweight csv read/write, keeping track of csv dialect and other metadata. Creator
ER-Evaluation End-to-end evaluation of entity resolution systems. Creator
StringCompare Efficient string similarity using C++ and PyBind11. Creator

R Packages

Project Description Role
MSETools Code and analyses for the paper titled “On the Reliability of Multiple Systems Estimation for the Quantification of Modern Slavery” (Binette and Steorts, 2021). Creator
FingermatchR Fingerprint matching tools based on NIST’s Biometric Image Software, on FingerJet minutiae extraction tool, and on the libfmr library. Creator
cache Lightweight caching for data science workflows. Creator
assert Lightweight assertions for data science workflows. Creator
dgaFast/dga Multiple Systems Estimation Using Decomposable Graphical Models. Maintainer
TessTools Tools for the use of Tesseract OCR in R and for the analysis of historical newspaper archives. Creator

Other Software

Project Description Role
Fractals A Javascript Mendelbrot set visualization app, built using early browser multithreading technologies (2014). Creator
Welcome to the Moon App Companion app to the wonderful Welcome to the Moon board game. Creator
Earthquakes Visualize earthquakes on the globe. Creator
lipsample Sampling from arbitrary Lipschitz continuous densities on the interval in Matlab Creator